
03 décembre 2006

The Live Image Module V2

I released this new version to autorise newbies to use the module. In fact, the previous version needed to use url parameters (see my post about the V1 module). Hopefully the V2 is very simple : it uses the edit tab instead.

About the aim and fonctionnalitys of the module, it is like there was in V1 : embeding pictures or webcams in your Netvibes pages to enhance your Netvibes experience, to have fun or to watch over public or private places, stock quotes, or web services that exists in image.

I'm thinking of a simple collaborative system to collect webcams submited by users in order to simplify your choise. Any ideas about it is welcome.

You can see "The Live Image Module V2" page in the Netvibes Ecosystem or directly adding it by cliquing on the button below :

Add to Netvibes

3 commentaires:

  1. Hi,

    I try to setup your module.
    Evreytime I fill my data, then I close Edit and ... nothing everything is vanished...

    Perhaps a problem with netvibes servers ?

    Can you check on your side ?

    I use FFox2

  2. i tried to enter a webcam but i didn't know what to put in "content" and i got a red X. when i clic on the webcam site comes on in a new page. thanks for your help...ed rose

  3. Bonjour Stéphane,
    Merci pour cette V2 plus facile à paramétrer.
    un pb : le rafraîchissement de l'image ne se fait pas toujours avec la V2
    un exemple :
    Précision : il ne se fait pas lorsqu'il y a une date d'expiration (même antérieure) de l'image dans le Temporary Internet Files.

